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To optimize team performance, we use a lot of data. We track biometrics for all our players to to improve their performance. Data also helps our athletes with day-to-day recovery, and returning from injury. What the numbers show us is that sometimes, small wins are the most worthwhile. Here’s how you can identify, and celebrate, your own small wins.
- Start somewhere — Every NBA player, no matter how old they were when they first stepped on the floor, started their career by taking a shot. The same goes for you. Sometimes the most daunting thing about starting something new, or starting again, is the first step.
- Set yourself up for success — Plan for your first step. If you want to start running, doing 5k on your first run isn’t realistic. It could even ultimately set you back. Think about your end goal and what you need to get there. Getting the right equipment could be your first step.
- Reflect — After you got on the treadmill, or hopped on the bike for your first ride, reflect on how you felt afterwards. Chances are you felt good. Celebrate and remember that feeling so you can use it as inspiration later.
- Be consistent — Progress is incremental. When our guys come back from injury, we use data to show them where they’re getting stronger and more flexible. It’s encouraging. They might not be back out on the floor yet, but they can see how they’re getting closer to it.
- Numbers aren’t everything — We use a lot of numbers, but it can still come down to how you feel. Perfecting a skill is more about endurance. You might notice you can stay active for longer without feeling winded. Or maybe you’re more flexible in stretches that used to cause discomfort. Those are great, small wins worth celebrating.